Bilchenko Evgeniya Vitalievna, Doctor of Culturology, Leading Researcher, Department of Screen Culture, Institute of Culturology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. The relevance of the topic of the study is determined by the theoretical and applied significance of the synthesis of the theory of literature and psychoanalysis in culturological discourse. The aim of the study is a structural psychoanalysis of the concept of a «split subject» in contemporary Russian poetry and mechanisms for its overcoming through a «radical break» with the Imaginary and a conscious choice of love as a «truth-event», or Symbolic Real / «Immortal» (on the case of creativity by Anna Dolgareva). Research materials: poetry by Anna Dolgareva; English-language texts of cultural studies, Russian-language translations of western psychoanalytic; Russian religious philosophy of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Research methods: structuralist, poststructuralist, dialectic, hermeneutic, semiotic, comparative, dialogical. Research results: demonstration of the split subject of the contemporary poetic word in his bipolar aspect from profane to sacred, from buffoonery to foolishness, from barbarism to genius. The conclusion of the study is a modulation of psychoanalytic dialectic of semiosis Russian poetic hero on the «Borromean rings»: from «suture» (thesis – delight, buffoonery, barbarism, the Imaginary) through the de-suture (antithesis – war, alienation, hatred, Symbolic) to re-suture (synthesis – love, foolishness, genius, Real).
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