The article conducted a study of voice assistants and their relevance. The types, characteristics and features of voice assistants are presented. Application technologies are studied, and a possible forecast of their use in the future is given.
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4.Golosovye pomoshhniki: chto jeto i zachem oni. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL:
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8.Kak golosovye pomoshhniki menjajut marketing. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: https://www.mildberry.ru/cases/voice-assistants/ (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
9.Top 5 golosovyh pomoshhnikov 2021. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: https://recsquare.ru/blog/top-5-golosovykhpomoshchnikov-2021/ (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
10. Proshhe skazat', chem nabirat' tekst: kak izmenilis' golosovye pomoshhniki k 2021.
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11. Golosovye pomoshhniki mogut byt' opasny. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: http://security.mosmetod.ru/moshennichestvo-vseti/128-golosovye-pomoshchniki-mogut-byt-opasny (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
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13. Golosovye pomoshhniki-supergeroi, ili Alexa mozhet vse. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: https://www.audiomania.ru/content/art-5071.html (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
14. Golosovye pomoshhniki: chto nuzhno znat' ob ujazvimostjah programm? [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: https://hightech.fm/2020/07/17/voice-assistantvulnerability (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
15. «Sdvig v psihike»: chem opasny golosovye pomoshhniki dlja detej. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL: https://www.gazeta.ru/social/2021/03/23/13522832.sh tml (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
16. Samye populjarnye golosovye pomoshhniki. [Jelektronnyj istochnik]. URL:
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17. Masha — sekretar' (deepvoice.ru) [Jelektronnyj istochnik] URL: https://masha.deepvoice.ru/ (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2021).
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