• Anastasia Aleksandrovna Khristenko Kuban State University
  • Marina Nikolaevna Marchenko Kuban State University
Keywords: art history, ventilation air exchange systems, air exchange in the interior of public space, ventilation, air exchange.


Ventilation in interior design today has become an integral part of the interior design of the designer. When
designing the interior, it is necessary to take into account not only the manufacturer's recommendations, but also
the features of the room and its intended purpose. Ventilation in public buildings must be formed at the stage of
project development. The installation of such equipment must be carried out in accordance with sanitary standards,
which prescribe the permissible level of relative humidity, purity and speed of air masses and air temperature. Air
ducts in interior design can also be used as an accent design solution. Today, ventilation systems can be considered
from the standpoint of practical functions, but also decorative properties, bringing additional accents to the interior
of the room. The article analyzes the indicators of air exchange and the impact of the presence of ventilation
systems on a favorable environment and human comfort. The main types of ventilation systems that improve air
quality are described. And the parameters that affect the air performance were also considered. The types of
ventilation in the design of public spaces are shown

Author Biographies

Anastasia Aleksandrovna Khristenko, Kuban State University

Master student of the Department of Design, Computer and Technical Graphics,

Marina Nikolaevna Marchenko, Kuban State University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head.
Department of Design, Computer and Technical Graphics,


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How to Cite
Khristenko, Anastasia Aleksandrovna, and Marina Nikolaevna Marchenko. 2022. “VENTILATION IN INTERIOR DESIGN PUBLIC SPACES ”. EurasianUnionScientists, July, 06-10.