The article is devoted to the issues of composition technique of the St. Petersburg composer A. Izosimov. The
topic of the article is prompted by the interest of XX-XXI century composers to the problem of "breathing" in
music. In the introductory section of the article, "breathing" of music is considered as a manifestation of spiritual
energy. In the works of A. Izosimov's "breath" is associated with a new method of organizing a musical
composition – "breathing fret". This is a universal construction based on the system of interval rotation of tones
and semitones of the pentachord scale, which appears to be a modern neo-modal mixodiatonic form. The article
provides a table of the use of variants of the "breathing lada" method from 1993 to 2018: from system properties
to free interpretation of the components. . Two fragments of the analysis of one of the last works – the Second
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra – allow us to present new possibilities of the method. The sound orders of the
"breathing fret" interact with the usual diatonic elements (intervals, sublads) on the principle of pairing, forming a
new functional system of connections.
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5. Holopov Ju. Garmonija. Teoreticheskij kurs. M.: Muzyka, 1988. – 510 s. Prilozhenie Notnye primery v stat'e privodjatsja po izdanijam: A. Izosimov Koncert №2 dlja skripki s orkestrom 2014 perelozhenie dlja skripki i fortepiano avtora. Sankt-Peterburg «MF SanktPeterburga» 2014 – 88 s A. Izosimov Koncert № 2 dlja skripki s
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