About the journal

International electronic scientific journal "Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies"

ISSN (electronic version): 2782-2451

DOI: 10.31618 / 2782-2451

State License of Scientific Publishing House PI No. FS77-63060

Number of the certificate of registration of the scientific publication PI No. FS77-63060.

Publisher of the journal: LLC "Logic +"

Frequency of the journal "Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies": 12 issues per year, monthly. From April 2021 is published as a specialized series in scientific areas:

10.00.00 philological sciences

17.00.00 art history

24.00.00 cultural studies.

Prior to this period, the scientific directions included in the series were published as part of a multi-scientific issue since 2013. Research results can be presented in the form of: a review or a review article, or an original article.

For consideration are accepted: previously unpublished articles of undergraduates, applicants, graduate students, doctoral students, scientific and pedagogical workers in Russian and English.

“Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies” publishes original articles in scientific areas10.00.00 philological sciences, 17.00.00 art history, 24.00.00 cultural studies.

The goals of our organization are: dissemination of scientific knowledge, support of high standards of scientific publication, promotion of the integration of Russian science into the world information scientific space.

Our authors: doctoral students, graduate students and applicants, researchers, students and university teachers, specialists in the field of social and humanitarian sciences. The current issue is formed after the acceptance and consideration of the authors' manuscripts in the second half of each month.

Official website:


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Message from the editor-in-chief

Dear readers and authors of the scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies”!

The international scientific journal invites novice and experienced scientists of various areas of knowledge, research staff of research institutes, students and undergraduates, representatives of enterprises and organizations to publish and familiarize themselves with research materials. To date, the publication of completed scientific research is a good chance to declare yourself in the world of science, fix a scientific achievement, add to the list of works, successfully defend a thesis or effectively report on the completion of a stage of scientific work. In turn, regular acquaintance with scientific innovations will allow you to operate only with relevant information in a discussion or when presenting lecture material.

Scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies" is a conscientious leading publication that has been fruitfully working for many years to promote scientific materials of Russian and foreign scientists, increase the citation rate of articles, and disseminate relevant research materials in scientific circles. All published scientific information is posted on the site and is available for familiarization to interested readers, future authors and the student community. The presented articles reflect scientific knowledge of various fields of science and touch on global and narrowly focused issues.

We invite you to publish articles in the international scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies". All published materials are subject to mandatory peer review by leading experts in a certain scientific field with a scientific degree, as well as plagiarism checks. Only reliable and relevant research carried out by the authors is allowed for publication. Collections of publications are published in electronic and printed form.

Scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: philology, art history and cultural studies" invites scientists and students to long-term cooperation for joint fruitful work!